OU alumni have access to the following services:
Accessing Library Materials
- Kresge Library Catalog - OU alumni have library borrowing privileges(books, documents, CDs). Present your driver's license at the Service Desk.
- MelCat --online catalog of many Michigan libraries; fastest way to borrow BOOKS OU does not own.
- Full-Text Classic Literature Online (plus, reference and non-fiction titles)
Accessing Electronic Resources
- Visitors are welcome to access most of the Libraries' online resources from workstations within Kresge Library.
- Visitors may obtain guest authorization to use library computers by presenting a current photo ID at any service desk. Visitors must comply with the University’s Acceptable Use policy and the Libraries' Public Computing Access policy.
- The Grizznet wireless network is available only to current OU students, faculty and staff.
Michigan eLibrary (MeL)
- The Michigan eLibrary provides free access to research databases, online newspapers, e-books and more for all Michigan residents.
For more information go to the Services for Alumni page.