From the article’s information page in Library OneSearch, follow the link under View Online (there might be more than one-- choose any of them).
When you reach the article page, you may see the full article right away. If not, look for a section or tab marked “Full Text”. If neither of those are available, look for a link or button labeled “Download Full Text”, “Download PDF”, or marked with the PDF icon. In many cases, the full text is downloadable.
After clicking on the relevant link, you'll be redirected to the full text of the item. Download options will be available for users who want to obtain a PDF copy of the article.
If you don't see something like this on the article page, you almost always have the option labeled “Get this @OU”, “Get This For Me”, “Request via Interlibrary Loan”, “Request through ILL”, or something similar. These links let you request an article through Interlibrary Loan - we’ll find another library that owns it, and borrow it from them on your behalf. For most articles requested through ILL, a PDF copy will be emailed within a day or two (24-48 hours or so).
If there isn’t a link to make an ILL request on the item record, you can make a request directly from the Interlibrary Loan page. This service is free to students, staff, and faculty at OU.